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What are Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

The law says that children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them." (1996 Education Act).  Some children may have special educational needs for a relatively short time, others will have special educational needs right through their education.

The Governors and Staff of this school aim to provide a learning environment which excites, challenges and motivates each individual pupil. Some children find it harder to learn than other children of the same age. Children who are finding learning difficult are supported by their teachers, or with some extra help in school. We provide a differentiated and inclusive curriculum which meets the needs of most children, including those with a special educational need. We recognise that any pupil may have ‘special’ needs at some time during their school life. This school will ensure that all pupils enjoy a broad, balanced education which meets their individual needs, whether they are gifted and talented or have learning difficulties.


At Byker every child is seen as a valued and unique individual and we aim to provide a safe, supportive, creative, friendly and fun environment where all pupils can flourish:
  • We nurture our children, taking good care to consider and cater for their varied life experiences, particular needs and learning preferences.
  • We are committed to providing an education that enables every child to make and acknowledge progress.  
  • We endeavour to provide a fulfilling learning experience, underpinned by high and realistic expectations, that encourages every child to achieve their best, socially, emotionally and academically.
  • We seek for every child to become an increasingly confident young person, preparing them for a successful transition into Secondary Education.


  • Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO); our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mr Phil Mole Telephone:  01912656906
  • Assistant Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator; Mrs Anna Quinn 
  • Arrangements for the Admission of disabled pupils; please see our Accessibility Plan below for full details.


Newcastle Local Offer

Visit Newcastle’s Local Offer where you will find information, advice and support available locally for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and their families. Here you can also find places to go and fun things to do!

Newcastle Local Offer Website

Families email: or tele: 0191 277 4674 

Local Offer email: 


Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) provide information, advice and support at any stage of a child or young person’s education, and provide an Independent Supporter for families in the process of getting an Education Health and Care Plan.



tele: 0191 211 6255 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
