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Online Safety


At Byker Primary School, online safety lessons are taught throughout the year and are regularly revisited to explain how to stay safe online to children from Reception to Year 4.

In February each year we take part in ‘Safer Internet Day’ to reinforce our online safety lessons and raise awareness of a safer and better internet for al.

We are aware children will come in to contact with additional technologies outside of school and therefore we have provided the links below to support parents/carers to keep their children safe online and offer additional support.

In September, the NSPCC delivered a webinar on 'Keeping children safe online' for parents/carers.

A recording of this webinar can be found below:

The education of pupils in online safety is an essential part of the school’s provision. Children and young people need the help and support of the school to recognise and avoid online safety risks as well as in building their resilience.  Therefore, online safety is a focus in all areas of the curriculum and staff reinforce appropriate safety messages on a regular basis.

Parents / carers play a crucial role in ensuring their children understand the need to use the internet / mobile devices in an appropriate way. The school will take every opportunity to help parents understand these issues through newsletters, website, social media and information about national / local online safety campaigns and literature, and workshops. 

In school, children will be taught online safety through our Computing Curriculum

In Key Stage 1, children will be taught to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

In Key Stage 2, children will be taught to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable / unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

The National College

We’re delighted to let you know that we have become a member of The National College – a multi-award-winning online training provider for staff and parents.

What does this mean for you?

As part of our membership, The National College provides dedicated training and resources for parents and carers – particularly, around online safety and keeping children safe online.

Online safety advice on any topic

Of course, staff will continue to teach children about the risks online. But with the internet so readily accessible, the most effective approach to online safety needs everyone involved, including parents and carers.

That’s why you’ve now got access to hundreds of courses, explainer videos and online safety guides to support your awareness of the online world. Topics range from understanding apps like TikTok and Instagram to recognising the signs of online harm and what you can do to help.

Sign up is easy

Signing up to the platform is simple. Ask at the office for an enrolment link and complete your details. Once you’re set up, you’ll be able to choose ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type and get instant access to all training and resources.

Download the app for free

Another fantastic benefit of The National College is its National Online Safety app, which you can download for free. It gives you access to all their parent and carer resources on the go, whenever you want.

You can download the National Online Safety app using the links below:

They’re always here to help

The National College has a brilliant support team if you have any questions. Their help centre provides a comprehensive bank of answers to most FAQs, but if you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, you can always get in contact with them.

We hope you’ll sign-up and make the most of their resources.

 Useful Links


A full copy of our Online Safety and Social Media Policy can be found below.